Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Oops, just got myself banned from a country

In setting up all of this blog stuff, I realized...Blogger is run by Google, as well as the Gmail account it's linked to, plus I've just signed up for Google Analytics to track this blog's traffic. Google is taking over the world! That may be alright (since I only had to register once for all these services and) if it stays true to its "Don't be evil" motto. However, how do we measure that?

A few months ago there was all that hubbub about Google agreeing to self-censorship in order to further business in China. Google's defense was that some information is better than no information. True, there is a school of thought that supports sending US emissaries (representing capitalism, freedom of thought, money, and business), as a method of fueling reform in China. That thought began as early as the start of this century, according to Ying Ma, however, as recently as last Friday, that government continues to stifle free press while paying lip service to the international community. Perhaps someday, that external pressure - along with internal sentiment - will create actual change in the government's stance. But at least for the moment, I can only think that China's growing world presence will be used to further consolidate power at the top.

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